Sayings of the Great Sadhu


God's patience is infinite. Men, like small kettles, boil quickly with wrath at the least wrong. Not so God. If God were as wrathful, the world would have been a heap of ruins long ago.

My Dear Friends

The cross is like a walnut whose outer rind is bitter, but the inner kernel is pleasant and invigorating. So the cross does not offer any charm of outward appearance, but to the cross-bearer its true character is revealed, and he finds in it the choicest sweets of spiritual peace.

Continue to pray for the Unreached as we step towards the Cross..

Friday, 30 November 2012

HE is with us../.

Hi Friends.. Greetings to you... Praise and thank God for having led us safe throughout this week. 
A mother asked her 5-year-old son to go to the pantry to get her a can of tomato soup. But he refused and protested, “It’s dark in there.” Mom assured Johnny, “It’s okay. Don’t be afraid. Jesus is in there.” So Johnny opened the door slowly and seeing that it was dark, shouted, “Jesus, can you hand me a can of tomato soup?”
This humorous story of Johnny’s fear reminds us of Gideon. The Lord appeared to Gideon, calling him a “mighty man of valor”  and then telling him to deliver Israel out of Midian’s hand. But Gideon’s fearful reply was, “My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house” . Even after the Lord told Gideon that with His help he would defeat the Midianites , he was still afraid. Then Gideon asked the Lord for signs to confirm God’s will and empowerment . So, why did the Lord address fearful Gideon as a “mighty man of valor”? Because of who Gideon would one day become with the Lord’s help.
We too may doubt our own abilities and potential. But let us never doubt what God can do with us when we trust and obey Him. Gideon’s God is the same God who will help us accomplish all that He asks us to do. So Cheer up and be bold since God is with us.
God be with you..
Continue to pray for the unreached as we step towards the Cross. 

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Time to say Thankyou...

Hi Friends... Hope you are doing good... It's time again to remind ourselves that one of life's most common oversights is not taking time to say thanks. We get in such a rush that we often forget.

Years ago, ten men with the dreaded disease of leprosy saw Jesus. They were a long distance away, for leprosy was the most feared disease of that day. They were outcasts; people didn't want to touch them for fear of getting the disease. These lepers cried out to Christ to have mercy on them, and He did. He healed them all. What a fantastic day that must have been! Those ten guys got so excited that they all began to run and tell what had happened.

But one turned around and took time to worship and thank Jesus - just one. Jesus asked him, "Weren't there ten? Where are they?" Even God desires to hear thanks.

This day, don't miss a great opportunity to take time to say thanks - to God for His blessings - to friends and loved ones - and to any who helped you along the way. 

God bless you.. 
Continue to pray for the unreached as we step towards the Cross

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

He Hides me...

    Hi Friends.. God bless you on this beautiful day.. Hope you are doing good... What a wonderful promise that our Almighty God gives us this day... Every one undergo some kind of trouble one day or the other.. But HE says whatever be it HE hides us in HIS dwelling place... Should we not thank Him for that..

   Christians are not altogether immune from depression. The fact is: the trend of events and the mounting tide of evil are enough to give one sobering thoughts—Christian or not. David, the sweet singer of Israel, was not always on top of his depression. Sometimes his glad song was turned to a depressive mourning. “My tears have been my meat day and night, while continually they say unto me, Where is thy God? Why art thou cast down, O my soul, and why art thou disquieted in me?” I find that the cure for depression is praise. In other words: be so busy counting your blessings, that thoughts of gloom and despair will be crowded out.

God bless you..
Continue to pray for the unreached as we step towards the Cross.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

The two coins....

Hi Friends.. Greetings to you... Hope you are doing good...

One day, Jesus sat in the temple near the treasury and watched as people walked by and deposited their gifts for the temple. Some made a show of it, perhaps so others could see how much they had given. Just then a poor woman came by and threw in two “mites”.
A mite was the least valuable coin in circulation. Thus the widow’s gift was very small, amounting to nothing in most folk’s eyes. But our Lord saw what others did not see. She had given “all that she had” (Mark 12:44). The widow wasn’t trying to draw attention to herself. She was simply doing what she was able to do. And Jesus noticed!
We mustn’t forget that our Lord sees all that we do, though it may seem very small. It may be nothing more than showing a cheerful countenance in difficult times or an unnoticed act of love and kindness to someone who happens to pass by. It may be a brief, silent prayer for a neighbor in need. So Friends, let us remember that our Lord looks on our inside and not on the external appearance.
 Have a wonderful day and God bless you..

Continue to pray for the unreached as we step towards the Cross.

Monday, 26 November 2012

He knocks...

Hi Friends... Greetings to you.. As we are stepping into the new week, I pray that God's hand of protection and guidance be with us throughout in all our day to day activities.The ONLY solution to the depraved and ever-growing lawlessness of the world we are living in today is found in the Person of Jesus Christ. He is the ONLY ONE who can rescue humanity from the end result of sin and lawlessness. May you place your trust and hope in Him today. You will never be the same! Even today He is standing outside and knocking for us to open the door. Shall we open our inward doors immediately and accept Him .......

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Have a nice week...

Continue to pray for the unreached as we step towards the Cross..

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Song for the week....

 Hi Friends, a beautiful song depicting the different roles we need to take up in these last days to bring about the gospel to every nook and corner of the globe.. Here are the lyrics for you to sing along.. Enjoy....

These are the days of Elijah
Declaring the Word of the Lord, yes
And these are the days of his servant, Moses
Righteousness being restored
And these are the days of great trial
Of famine and darkness and sword
So we are the voice in the desert crying
Prepare ye the way of the Lord

Behold he comes
Riding on a cloud
Shining like the sun
At the trumpet's call
Lift your voice
It's the year of jubilee
And out of Zion's hill salvation comes

And these are the days of Ezekiel
With dry bones becoming as flesh
And these are the days of his servant, David
Building the temple of praise, yes
And these are the days of the harvest
The fields are all white in the world
And we are the laborers that are in your vineyard
declaring the word of the Lord

Behold he comes
Riding on a cloud
Shining like the sun
At the trumpet's call
Lift your voice
It's the year of jubilee
And out of Zion's hill salvation comes

There's no God like Jehovah (x8--modulate)
There's no God like Jehovah (x8--modulate)
There's no God like Jehovah (x7)


Testimony of the week..


Pilot Shouldn't Have Lived to Tell...

By Rob Hull
The 700 Club
  Pilot, Mark Harting has an impressive history. “Thirty-three years of flying single engine fighters all over the world, never having to shoot anybody and I'm alive and I'm doing well. I never had to eject out of an airplane. I’ve had parts and pieces fall off airplanes like things do, but they train us well enough. I mean to be able to land an airplane without an engine on a runway, you're ready. You're ready.”Mark Harting and his wife Coleen attribute his years of safety while flying fighter jets in the Air Force to two things, his military training, and God's hand of protection. Coleen says, “I was honestly I can say never afraid. I just was in constant communication with God when he was up in the air, just saying, 'Alright, You're with him now. I don't have to think about that, I don't have to worry about that.'”

“You know you hear a lot of people that, 'God's my co-pilot.' That's absolutely wrong. God is my pilot,” says Mark, “He gives me the skills to fly. He was always present in my cockpit.”
Mark retired from the Air Force in 2011, but he had a hard time staying out of the cockpit. He trained to become an aerial firefighter, flying a modified crop duster. Coleen was pleased with Mark’s choice for a new career. “It was very exciting, I was very proud of him, very happy to become the wife of an airborne firefighter.”
God made it clear to Mark that he was not alone. “I think it was the second live drop that I did where I mis-dropped where the air attack wanted me to drop, I was a little bit late. About three days later I find out that it wasn't a late drop at all. It was basically God's drop where there was a fireman who was in a Bulldozer who was trapped, had lost his radio and things and because of all the smoke of the fire nobody knew it. He couldn't communicate with anybody and I (the water) hit him right on the head. And he saw what he needed to do and he backed it out and drove out. That’s I went, ‘Alright I'm right where God needs me to be. I'm doing what He needs at this time in my career.’”
In the summer of 2011 Mark's flight group was called to fight fires in Arkansas. After several long days of successful drops, Mark took off again but this time something went very wrong. “I'm climbing out, the trees are disappearing below the canopy. I'm looking for traffic left, right. I'm going to start my turn here in a little bit and that's when the world changed. All of a sudden the air plane drops, and I lost about 75 feet of altitude, and instead of having a clear cockpit now, it's full of trees.”
Mark dumped the water in hopes the lighter plane would respond and rise up. It didn't. “I know I'm over the town. Houses are going under me. There's no way that this airplane is going to out climb this.”Mark looked for a place to crash the plane. He saw a small back yard, but knew it would take a miracle to avoid hitting houses and hurting people on the ground. “I knew I was going to have to crash. I was going to have to put the airplane nose in to stop my forward momentum and not take another house out. I'm doing 80 miles an hour. It’s not like this thing just stops. It's going to take 1000 feet to probably stop this on a normal runway let alone in someone's back yard.”

Mark's tail section glanced off a power line, helping him towards his target. Then he crashed hard, destroying the plane. “I hit the side of the airplane where the roll bars were and now I'm blacked out I can't see anything cause I've taken part of the back yard out. I've gone through a wood fence. I'm sliding. I don't know where, whatever. And all of a sudden it just stopped.”
He threw open the door and got out of the plane unhurt. The water and foam prevented any fire from starting. Rescuers arrived and transported him to the hospital. Meanwhile, Coleen got a call that Mark had crashed. “When I heard the words, 'There's been a crash. Mark has crashed.' I'd be lying if I said that I didn't think, ‘Well, he's dead.’ But I felt such a peace washing over me. In a moment your life changes but in that instant God has hold of you. He had hold of me.”Mark recognizes God was at work. “I know the angels were around me and they did a fantastic job to get me to that last place. When I went back a couple days later, about three days later I looked at the site, I was standing in the street and I was just crying. I was going, 'How did You get that airplane with another tree off to the side in that back yard?’ God’s going to get the glory on this one, He really is because I did my part but I couldn’t put that airplane back in that hole. I couldn’t. I mean when I sat there and I looked at that spot there’s… ‘Mark you’re not that good.’ I’m good but I’m not that good. God was totally involved in what was going on. He was the pilot in the airplane to put it where He wanted me to put it. My job was to do all the things that I learned in the military. ‘Fly the airplane Mark. Trust God to help you do it.’”

The reason the plane suddenly lost altitude is still under investigation. Mark and Coleen say they are grateful for God's faithful love and protection through it all.“We're forever in awe of how He has worked in our lives. And excited about what He has in the future because if you can survive a plane crash like Mark did then God's got something even greater for us and we're just hanging on.

Mark concludes,“To be able to continue to live on this earth to impact lives for God is a blessing. But to know that He is that merciful and gracious and loving that He would sacrifice his Son for somebody like me it blows me away. So while I'm on this earth, what can I do for God because what He has given me. Life is too beautiful and to short not to do that, but I don't know what life would be like without God. I'm so blessed that He is the focal point of my life.”

Spirit of Love - Sunday Devotion

    Hi Friends... Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ... What a week we have been through. I am sure many of you would have realized the awesome power of God in your doings and proceedings in the last week... You might have had successes or downfalls but in all these things I am sure you would have felt the comforting presence of Almighty.. That is our God my friends.. An everlasting and omnipresent Father who never leaves.
    Even today for a short meditation on this Holy Day, Our Father reminds us that He has given us a spirit of Power, Love and Self Control and not a spirit of timidity and shyness. My dear friends, we are called to be Christians. It is just not the name Christian that makes the difference but who we are in Christ and what we are to be a Christian to others. I would rather regret to say a fact that we called as Christians provide a very ugly picture to the others. Christ means love and to love and to be loved. But what are we doing as Christians? Are we showing the Love of Christ to others? Are we the reflections of Christ? In fact we are very busy in our own feuds and disputes... Then where on Earth will we have the time to show the Love of Christ to others. It is a very sorry plight of Christians that they are unaware of the Second Coming of Christ, The Rapture.. Then where can we go and warn or make others aware of others? A majority of Christians are still sticking on to the traditional ways, to be Christians on Sundays and Holy festivals, living a double headed life, pride. etc and the list goes on and on.... Where are we standing my dear Christian friends? Are we seeing Christ? Are we able to talk and hear to His sweet Voice? Are we ready for the Coming of Christ? Are we praying for others? Are we feeling Shy? The Bible clearly mentions "But he will reply, 'I don't know you or where you come from" in Luke 13: 27. So we who have been called to be Christians, let us take it to be just a denomination or religion, but rather would learn to Know Christ more, get a closer walk with Him day by day and strive to be a reflection of Love, Compassion and Self Control..... Let us not be Shy or timid to be a Christian or declare the greatness of the Living God..... God bless you.. God protect you in the coming week and may all your endeavors be pleasing in HIS sight and be successful..
God bless you...

    Continue to pray for the unreached souls as we step towards the Cross.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Rose of Sharon...

Hi Friends.. Greetings to you... Hope you are looking forward to a wonderful weekend. At the near end of this hard week, you may have been exhausted of all your strength, drained of your energy, lost your patience through many testing situations. But cheer up, as the Lord is a fragrant rose who enriches us with an everlasting fragrance of energy and strength, and Lily's of the Valleys which grow tall and provide a shadow of protection over you... Have a nice weekend...
God bless you

Continue to pray for the unreached as we step towards the Cross..

Friday, 23 November 2012

God's Names......

We all Know that our God is an awesome God.... Just Imagine the different mighty and powerful names He has...... Here is a gist of it.. Get to know it friends......

Elohim                                    - God’s reference to Power and Might (Psalm 19:1)
Adonai                                    - Lordship of God (Malachi 1:6)
Jehovah Yahweh                   – God’s divine salvation (Genesis 2: 4)
Jehovah Maccaddeshem      – The Lord thy Sanctifier (Exodus 31:13)
Jehovah Rohi                         – The Lord my Shepherd (Psalm 23:1)
Jehovah Shammah               – The Lord who is present (Ezekiel 48:35)
Jehovah Rapha                      – The Lord our Healer (Exodus 15:26)
Jehovah  Tsidkenu                – The Lord our righteousness (Jeremiah 23: 6)
Jehovah Jireh                        – The Lord will provide (Genesis 22: 13 – 14)
Jehovan Nissi                        - The Lord our banner (Exodus 17:15)
Jehovah Shalom                    – The Lord is peace (Judges 6:24)
Jehovah Sabbaoth                – The Lord of Hosts (Isaiah 6: 1 – 3)
Jehovah Gmolah                   – The God of Recompense (Jeremiah 51:6)
El Elyon                                   – The most high God (Genesis 14: 17 – 20)
El  Roi                                     – The strong one who sees (Genesis 16: 13)
El Shaddai                              – The God of the Mountains (Genesis 17: 1)
El Olam                                   – Everlasting God (Isaiah 40: 28 – 31)

He Comforts...

      Hi Friends... Greetings to you... Let us thank God for giving us this Wonderful Day... God will be with us throughout this day.. Even today, cheer up my friends, if you are comfortless and down with many falls in your life or workplace. Our Almighty Father wants to remind you that He always is there by our side, watching our every move and comforting us when we feel lost without a way in our life's journey. He is an impartial God and He loves and cares each and every one with His unfailing and unconditional love..So let us remember that there is a everlasting Comforter by our side wherever we are... Have a nice day..

Continue to pray for the unreached souls as we step towards the Cross..

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Mansions for us...

Hi Friends... Greetings to you... How beautiful are the houses in the above scenery.... I am sure each one of us would straight away leave all the things and worries of the world and run into one of these houses and rest. If these worldly houses built of stone and cement would give us so much joy and much needed rest, how much more would heavenly mansions promised by our Almighty God would have in store for us. So let us not worry of the future but look and trust onto God and walk in His way so that He has a Mansion ready for us when we arrive at the Gates of Heaven.. Cheer up.. Have a nice day..
           Continue to pray for the Unreached souls as we step towards the Cross.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Shadow of the Almighty....

  Hi Friends.... A very good day to you.. May God bless you and keep you throughout this day in all your activities. Whoso trusts and seeks refuge in the shelter of the Almighty God will have perfect rest and peace amidst raging storms and uncertainties. Hence, put your trust in the Lord and in HIM alone and experience the joy of rest in the shadow of HIS mighty wings..

God bless you.. Have a nice day..

Continue to pray for the Unreached as we step towards the Cross.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

The Heavens delcare.....

        Hi Friends... Greetings to you..... Have you ever looked up to the skies? Have you ever wondered at the complexity of God's creation? Ya indeed, the skies themselves are the daily witness towards God's mighty hands that made them. The Heavens proclaim the Glory of God whom we serve. What a great privilege to serve such a mighty God. Hence, my dear friends, Cheer up.... Whenever you are in the midst of uncertainties and storms, Just look up to the Heavens and marvel at His Glory... Gaze up to the skies and wonder the power of His Hands.... Will His Hands not cover us up and lead us??? No doubt in it friends... I am sure many of you would be already feeling His mighty Hands upon you.. Praise and thank Him for it... God bless you.. Have a wonderful day ahead..
        Continue to pray for the Unreached as we step towards the Cross...

Monday, 19 November 2012

His Abounding Grace.....

     Hi Friends… Greetings to you…. As we step into the new week ahead the Lord lovingly assures of His abundant and abounding grace upon us. We serve a mighty and all powerful God who is slow to anger and abundant in grace. So dear friends, cheer up and look up to him with utmost humility seeking His Grace upon us… At this instant, I would also like to remind to remember in your prayers the nation of Israel which is God’s own nation which is war with Hamas militants. It is our foremost duty to pray for this nation that God’s abounding grace would be upon the nation of Israel and on its people.
God bless you.. Have a nice week ahead.

Continue to pray for the unreached souls as we step towards the Cross.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Testimony of the Week

Hi Friends here is a testimony of  Jeanie Traub who was healed of the deadly cancer taken from the 700 club of CBN for your increase in faith and God's Glory... God bless you..

Jeanie Traub: A Recipe to be Cancer-Free

Wayne and Heather Higgins       Jeanie Traub was a young wife and mother when she lost her own mother to cancer. By the time she was diagnosed with it, she passed away within three weeks. It was a very devastating thing watching someone suffer to that great degree.

Jeanie had always taken good care of herself. Then after a visit to her doctor, she heard the word she never wanted to hear again - cancer. She was given four to six months to live.

"I got a call from the doctor. They told me I had leiomyosarcoma. Leiomyosarcoma is a bone, muscle, and soft tissue cancer, and mine was stage 3 high grade leiomyosarcoma. That’s a very deadly cancer. If somebody has a tumor like that in an arm or leg today, they'd amputate," Jeanie told The 700 Club.

Jeanie asked her doctor for a second opinion. "He told me that the cancer cells were going through my body, and if I were going to get a second opinion it better be within the next 24 hours because I wasn’t going to live."

Jeanie didn’t panic, even though death was a real possibility.
"I knew that that was man’s report, and I knew that with faith you can’t always look at the circumstances around you.  You have to stay focused on God," she said.
The specialists told her that radiation and chemotherapy were not options for treatment, so Jeanie took matters into her own hands.
"I prayed for God to bring the things into my life that I needed for a total and complete healing. I had stay focused on the word of God. The reports of the world can get you down. When I kept getting four-out-of-four oncologists tell me that I wasn’t going to be here by the end of the year, how do you deal with that? Yes, that may be true in the natural, but God’s a supernatural God, and that’s not His report. I stood on His word, 'by His stripes I ’m healed.'"
Jeanie says she asked God to show her what she needed to do to help her body heal.

"I knew that my immune system had fallen down, so all these nutritional things that I was doing was helping to build up my body so that my body could help fight this cancer."
She heard people talking about the Daniel fast and decided to try it. It includes fruits, vegetables, brown rice, beans, lentils, nuts, and raisins. The results did not happen overnight. She was discouraged at times, but her persistence paid off.

"At three months I started to have breakthrough. My energy level picked up. I got my memory back. Things started to happen where I knew I was on the right track. I think that that’s very important for people to know -- depending on how much they’ve run down their bodies, it’s going to take awhile to get back up, " said Jeanie.
Jeanie learned to take God at His word.
"When I wasn’t doing the nutritional part, I was spending time with God. The only channel I had on my t.v. was Christian television. The only book I read was the Bible. I kept God in the forefront of my mind, and my spirit all the time. I drew my strength from there because I couldn’t have done it on my own."

The result of eating a healthy diet, exercising, and holding on to God’s promise of healing paid off. After only six months, she received a cancer-free report.
"When I found out that I was cancer-free, of course you can’t even imagine the excitement. Every morning that I woke up, I just felt like a ping-pong ball bouncing off the walls. It was an amazing experience," Jeanie said.
Jeanie and her husband Greg have grown closer during this ordeal. What she learned during her healing process has now become a way of life. 

"My routine today exists of getting up. I start out drinking water. I spend time with God during that time. I have a 20 to 30 minute period that I do some exercises, and then I am ready for the day."
Jeanie has been cancer-free for seven years. She now realizes that cancer was not a death sentence. It was an opportunity to trust God to do the impossible.
"God was always a part of my life before, but He wasn’t my life. And going through this experience, the Lord became my life, and everything that I do reveloves around the Lord now," said Jeanie.
She treasures God’s gift of life and never takes a day for granted. Jeanie looks forward to seeing her grandaughters grow up.

"For me, being able to recover from something like that is truly a miracle. I thank God for His strength and everything that He’s done to help me get through that. It was an awesome spiritual journey. Seek the healer more than the healing."

God bless you...

Song for the Week

                     "Abide with me" is a popular hymn by Anglican Henry Francis Lyte and put to tune by William Henry Monke who was dying of tuberculosis and died three weeks after its composition.
Here are the Lyrics for you to sing along.... The song insists on God 's presence throughout ones life and also the last minute circumstances that a dying man or woman goes through.... Experience the need for God in your life with this song... Enjoy folks...
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide.
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, O abide with me.

Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day;
Earth's joys grow dim; its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see;
O Thou who changest not, abide with me.

Not a brief glance I beg, a passing word,
But as Thou dwell'st with Thy disciples, Lord,
Familiar, condescending, patient, free.
Come not to sojourn, but abide with me.

Come not in terrors, as the King of kings,
But kind and good, with healing in Thy wings;
Tears for all woes, a heart for every plea.
Come, Friend of sinners, thus abide with me.

Thou on my head in early youth didst smile,
And though rebellious and perverse meanwhile,
Thou hast not left me, oft as I left Thee.
On to the close, O Lord, abide with me.

I need Thy presence every passing hour.
What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power?
Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.

I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless;
Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness.
Where is death's sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.

Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.
Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee;
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.

Operation Pillar of Cloud

      Israel's military spokespeople have labeled the current military operation in Gaza as "Operation Pillar of Defense" in English and other foreign languages. But in Hebrew, the operation is actually codenamed "Pillar of Cloud."

          The reason for the discrepancy may be that the IDF doesn't think most foreigners will catch the biblical reference. But, of course, that is not true of Israel Today readers.

          As nearly all are aware, Pillar of Cloud is a reference to the divine pillar of cloud that guided the Children of Israel during their exodus from Egypt, as described in the Book of Exodus.

          It is the hope and prayer of many Israelis, and many of those supporting Israel from abroad, that our government and army will have similar guidance in waging an effective war against the enemy in Gaza, while avoiding as much as possible the inflicting of pain and suffering on the civilians of Gaza.
                                                                                                                     - Israel Today

He has commanded His Angels.....

   Hi Friends.. Greetings to you on this Holy Day which the Lord has made for us.. Are you in fear of your enemies who show a scornful face at you? Are you in shivers at the plans that the enemy has to destroy you... Do not worry as the Lord has appointed special angels for each of us to keep an eye and watch over us... They may not be visible to our worldly eyes but we can feel their presence, their glory at each and every work that we do, the success that face one after another. It is because our Father has commanded His angels to keep watch over our ways... He has not asked or told.. But COMMANDED... just think of the Love that God has for you that He has commanded his heavenly beings.. So trust in HIM whatever be the situation.. Always fail not to remember that there are angels near you carrying instruction from God concerning your ways. ... Even on this day, we shall thank the Lord and face the coming week ahead with courage and faith......
     God bless you and protect you... Have a nice Sunday...
    Continue to pray for the unreached as we step towards the Cross....

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Lilies of the Valley....

  Hi Friends, Greetings to you..... Hope you are having a nice day and a nice week end.. We might be worrying over many things of the world or the nature of our current situations. Many of you might ba at the cross roads of life over taking a decision. Some of you might be worried about the things of tomorrow, finance for tomorrow, managing the affairs of tomorrow.... But our Almighty God wants to assure us that if we trust in HIM, the things that are kept for us by God would automatically happen ending in happiness. The lilies of the valley do not toil or worry over anything but just give out the fragrance and beauty given to them by God. Hence, let us also radiate the fragrance and love of God to others and not worry about tomorrow..... Have a nice weekend.. God bless you..
  Continue to pray for the unreached souls as we step towards the Cross.

Friday, 16 November 2012

He leads...

Hi friends... Hope you are doing good. Even today you might be going through turbulent conditions and situations of unrest. But cheer as the Lord reminds that HE would lead us beside still waters and transform the entire situation. Have a nice day. God bless you.

                                 Continue to pray for the unreached souls as we step towards the cross.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Path of Life.....

                             Hi Friends, Greetings to you... Hope you are doing good... On this Day, the Lord would like to remind us that there is an eternal and ever lasting kingdom awaiting for us at the end of our life's journey. Even today, You might be fed up with the burden of your daily life, routiness of your work, aimlessness, problems regarding your future, financial instability. But do not worry for our Almighty God assures that as we move towards the path of life, we are guaranteed of heavenly riches and a peaceful life which is for eternity. Let us always remain in this path of life... Have a nice and blessed day... God bless you..
             Continue to pray for the unreached souls as we step towards the Cross...

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

His Unfailing Love........

             Dear Friends, Greetings to You.... Even on this day, God would like to remind you that though the circumstances surrounding you may not be so favorable enough, the going might be tough, lots of deceptions, lots of false promises from people whom you trusted. But, the Lord says even if the mighty mountains be shaken, His unfailing and unconditional love for you would not change. So be of good cheer. Trust in the Lord and trust in HIM alone. Man's Love may change. A Woman's Love may fade away. But our Father stretches out HIS loving hands to embrace you in HIS unfaithful Love. Shall we Yield to HIS Unfailing Love.. God bless you throughout this day.
                       Continue to pray for the Unreached souls as we step towards the Cross....