Sayings of the Great Sadhu


God's patience is infinite. Men, like small kettles, boil quickly with wrath at the least wrong. Not so God. If God were as wrathful, the world would have been a heap of ruins long ago.

My Dear Friends

The cross is like a walnut whose outer rind is bitter, but the inner kernel is pleasant and invigorating. So the cross does not offer any charm of outward appearance, but to the cross-bearer its true character is revealed, and he finds in it the choicest sweets of spiritual peace.

Continue to pray for the Unreached as we step towards the Cross..

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Mansions for us...

Hi Friends... Greetings to you... How beautiful are the houses in the above scenery.... I am sure each one of us would straight away leave all the things and worries of the world and run into one of these houses and rest. If these worldly houses built of stone and cement would give us so much joy and much needed rest, how much more would heavenly mansions promised by our Almighty God would have in store for us. So let us not worry of the future but look and trust onto God and walk in His way so that He has a Mansion ready for us when we arrive at the Gates of Heaven.. Cheer up.. Have a nice day..
           Continue to pray for the Unreached souls as we step towards the Cross.

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