Sayings of the Great Sadhu


God's patience is infinite. Men, like small kettles, boil quickly with wrath at the least wrong. Not so God. If God were as wrathful, the world would have been a heap of ruins long ago.

My Dear Friends

The cross is like a walnut whose outer rind is bitter, but the inner kernel is pleasant and invigorating. So the cross does not offer any charm of outward appearance, but to the cross-bearer its true character is revealed, and he finds in it the choicest sweets of spiritual peace.

Continue to pray for the Unreached as we step towards the Cross..

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Let us Love one another....

Hi Friends.. What a joy and excitement it gives me to meet you at the end of a year 2012.....  You should also be excited about it... 
Space shuttles are propelled out of the earth’s atmosphere by a solid fuel mixture producing millions of pounds of thrust.Indianapolis race cars travel at speeds averaging more than 200 mph, powered by a highly volatile fuel mixture.
What fuels us as followers of Jesus Christ? What gives us the power to love as He loved? Only the indwelling Holy Spirit can motivate us to Christlike deeds of compassion, forgiveness, and self-sacrifice.
The apostle John wrote, “If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us. By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us His Spirit”.
A mother asked her young son to clean her shoes. He worked on them diligently until they were spotless and shiny. To show her appreciation, his mother gave him a dollar. When she went to put the shoes on, she found something wadded up in the toe of one of them. It was her dollar wrapped in a note that read: “Here’s your dollar, Mom. I done it for luv.”
Fueled by the Holy Spirit, we too can serve others, motivated by Christ’s love.
God bless you.. Have a nice and enjoyable new year 2013 ahead.. Meet you in the new year friends....
Continue to pray for the unreached as we step towards the Cross..

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