Sayings of the Great Sadhu


God's patience is infinite. Men, like small kettles, boil quickly with wrath at the least wrong. Not so God. If God were as wrathful, the world would have been a heap of ruins long ago.

My Dear Friends

The cross is like a walnut whose outer rind is bitter, but the inner kernel is pleasant and invigorating. So the cross does not offer any charm of outward appearance, but to the cross-bearer its true character is revealed, and he finds in it the choicest sweets of spiritual peace.

Continue to pray for the Unreached as we step towards the Cross..

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Trust in the Lord......

Hi Friends.. Greetings to you...
A 6-year-old son was reading a book one evening when he suddenly whispered in his mother's ear, “I want to know how to be a Christian.”
His first-grade teacher had been talking about salvation at school, and he wanted to get the matter settled. So he put aside the book and got down to business.
Since he had heard the story of Jesus all his life, it wasn’t hard to explain salvation for the mother. Soon he was praying and asking Jesus to save him.
A little later, after he had run and told Mom the good news, he resumed his reading. Suddenly he looked up and said, “I feel all happy inside.”
That’s a good way to describe the peace and contentment that Jesus gives to us as Christians. It’s a peace that comes from knowing that the penalty for our sin has been taken care of . We have the assurance that we have been chosen and predestined to eternal life . We have the seal of the indwelling Holy Spirit who guarantees our future. And nothing can take us out of God’s hand . When bad times hit, we can call out for God’s help as one of His children.
What else do we need to be happy inside!
Have a great day ahead. God bless you...
Continue to pray for the unreached as we step towards the Cross..

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